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Check out these products or compare our accounts.
The Virgin Money Boost Saver variable interest rate is made up of a standard rate of 0.05% p.a. plus a bonus rate of 5.00% p.a. when the Monthly Criteria are met (outlined in the full terms and conditions) on the Virgin Money Go Account in the previous month.
The Virgin Money Grow Saver variable interest rate is made up of a standard rate of 0.05% p.a. plus a bonus rate of 1.95% p.a. that is applied when you make at least 1 deposit into your Grow Saver and make no more than 1 withdrawal during that month.
The Virgin Money mobile app is compatible with Android™ and iOS, minimum platform requirements apply. Android is a trademark of Google LLC. IOS is a trademark or registered trademark of Cisco in the U.S. and other countries and is used under license.
Participation in the Virgin Money Rewards Program is subject to Virgin Money Rewards Terms and Conditions.
Prepared by Virgin Money Australia, a division of Bank of Queensland Limited ABN 32009656740 Australian Credit Licence AFSL 244616, the issuer of the transaction and savings accounts. Information provided is of general nature only and does not take into account your personal financial situation, needs or objectives. As we don’t know your financial needs, we can’t advise whether the products will suit you and prior to making any decision you should obtain and consider the relevant terms and conditions of each product before making any decision about whether to acquire or continue to hold it. For full terms and conditions, including information on eligibility criteria and fees and charges visit forms-and-important-information.