Select the balance below closest to your super fund balance and see how we compare.
Super", 90, 216, 373, 688, 1003], ["Australian
Super", 86, 220, 387, 722, 1057], ["REST Super", 119, 283, 488, 898, 1308], ["Brighter
Super", 37, 185, 370, 740, 1110], ["HOSTPLUS
Fund", 166, 370, 625, 1135, 1645], ["HESTA
MySuper", 93, 255, 457, 862, 1267], ["Aware
Super", 89, 237, 422, 792, 1162], ["CareSuper
MySuper", 107, 263, 458, 848, 1238], ["Australian Ethical
MySuper", 123, 343, 618, 1168, 1718], ["Mercer
SmartPath", 43, 215, 430, 860, 1290], ["Australian Retirment
Trust", 104, 270, 477, 892, 1307]
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