We don’t believe in one size fits all. Your super is your money, but we also know figuring out where to invest it can be hard for some. That’s why we offer options to suit you. Take a look at our super investment options to help you decide which is best for you.

Invest my money

LifeStage Tracker®

Not overly confident about managing your investments? No problem! The LifeStage Tracker option has a whole of life approach to investing your super and does all the hard work for you. 

For more information about our LifeStage Tracker® Investment option, please refer to our Product Disclosure StatementProduct Guide and Product Dashboard.

  • How does it work?

    When you join LifeStage Tracker, you’re allocated a ‘path’, based on the year of your birth. Your path is automatically adjusted to help ensure your asset mix is in line with your life stage. The investments slowly shift from growth, or ‘higher-risk’ assets, to defensive or ‘lower-risk’ assets.

    When you’re younger, LifeStage Tracker starts with a higher allocation of growth assets (growth 90% and defensive 10%). As you get older, your exposure to growth asses will gradually reduce to reduce volatility in the years leading up to your retirement. This gradual adjustment continues until the  allocation reaches approximately  50% growth and 50% defensive at ages 66-70. This gradual adjustment to the asset allocation is called the glidepath.

    Exposure in growth assets by age

    The graph shows the shift between growth and defensive assets as you get older.

  • How will your super will be invested based on your 'path'?

    To see more details on how your super will be invested, click on the year of birth that applies to you.

    Investment profile for anyone up to age 48*

    *Investment Mix shown is as at 1 April 2022. The percentage of each asset class will change in line with the investment objectives based on your age.

    Target growth exposure range
    Investment objectives
    CPI + 3.0% p.a. over 10 years
    Risk level
    It is estimated that there will be between 4 and 6 negative annual returns over any 20 year period.
    Australian shares 20-50
    International shares 30-60
    Real assets
    Alternative assets 0-10
    Growth fixed interest
    Defensive fixed interest & cash assets

    Investment profile for a 53 year old individual*

    *Investment Mix shown is as at 1 April 2022. The percentage of each asset class will change in line with the investment objectives based on your age.

    Target growth exposure range
    Investment objectives
    CPI + 3% p.a. over a period of 10 years
    Risk level
    It is estimated that there will be between 4 and 6 negative annual returns over any 20 year period.
    Australian shares 20-50
    International shares 30-60
    Real assets
    Alternative assets 0-10
    Growth fixed interest
    Defensive fixed interest & cash assets 0-20
    Investment profile for a 58 year old individual*

    *Investment Mix shown is as at 1 April 2022. The percentage of each asset class will change in line with the investment objectives based on your age.

    Target growth exposure range
    Investment objectives
    CPI + 2.5% p.a. over a period of 10 years
    Risk level
    It is estimated that there will be between 4 and 6 negative annual returns over any 20 year period.
    Australian shares 15-50
    International shares 30-60
    Real assets
    Alternative assets 0-10
    Growth fixed interest
    Defensive fixed interest & cash assets 0-30
    Investment profile for a 62 year old individual*

    *Investment Mix shown is as at 1 April 2022. The percentage of each asset class will change in line with the investment objectives based on your age.

    Target growth exposure range
    Investment objectives
    CPI + 2.0% p.a. over a period of 7 years
    Risk level
    It is estimated that there will be between 4 and 6 negative annual returns over any 20 year period.
    Australian shares 15-45
    International shares 15-50
    Real assets
    Alternative assets 0-10
    Growth fixed interest
    Defensive fixed interest & cash assets 10-40
    Investment profile for a 67 year old individual*

    *Investment Mix shown is as at 1 April 2022. The percentage of each asset class will change in line with the investment objectives based on your age.

    Target growth exposure range
    Investment objectives
    CPI + 1.00% p.a over a period of 7 years
    Risk level
    It is estimated that there will be between 4 and 6 negative annual returns over any 20 year period.
    Australian shares 5-35
    International shares 15-45
    Real assets
    Alternative assets 0-10
    Growth fixed interest
    Defensive fixed interest & cash assets 25-55
    Investment profile for a 72 year old individual*

    *Investment Mix shown is as at 1 April 2022. The percentage of each asset class will change in line with the investment objectives based on your age.

    Target growth exposure range
    Investment objectives
    CPI + 0.5% p.a. over 7 years
    Risk level
    Medium to High
    It is estimated that there will be between 3 and 4 negative annual returns over any 20 year period.
    Australian shares 5-35
    International shares 10-40
    Real assets
    Alternative assets 0-10
    Growth fixed interest
    Defensive fixed interest & cash assets 30-60
Choose your own investment mix

Choose your own investment mix

If you want to take more control of where your super is invested our selection of investment options gives you the ability to invest your money where you’re most comfortable. That way you can take more control of your future.

  • How does it work?

    There is no limit on the number of options you can select to be invested in. You can choose a single option, or a mix of options from any of our investment options listed below:

    • Indexed Australian Shares
    • Indexed International Shares
    • Indexed Australian Listed Property
    • Cash Option
    • Indexed Diversified Shares
    • Enhanced Indexed Growth
    • Enhanced Indexed Conservative Growth
  • What is the breakdown of each investment option?

    Investment objective

    This option invests mainly in Australian shares. The option takes an indexed investment approach. It is designed for customers who want exposure to growth assets and can tolerate a high level of risk cover over ten years.

    Target growth allocation Risk level Minimum suggested investment timeframe
    100% High At least 10 years

    Investment objective

    This option invests mainly in international shares. International currency exposure is generally unhedged. The option takes an indexed investment approach. It is designed for customers who want exposure to growth assets and can tolerate a high level of risk over ten years.

    Target growth allocation Risk level Minimum suggested investment timeframe
    100% High At least 10 years

    Investment objective

    This option invests mainly in  Australian listed property. The option takes an indexed investment approach.  It is designed for customers who want exposure to growth assets and can tolerate a very high level of risk over ten years.

    Target growth allocation Risk level Minimum suggested investment timeframe
    100% Very High At least 10 years

    Investment objective

    This option invests mainly in cash. It is designed for customers who want no exposure to growth assets and can tolerate a very low level of risk over one year or less.

    Target growth allocation Risk level Minimum suggested investment timeframe
    0% Low 1 year or less

    Investment objective

    This option invests mainly in Australian and international shares. International currency exposure may be hedged. The option takes an indexed investment approach. It is designed of customers who want exposure to growth assets and can tolerate a high level of risk over ten years.

    Investment Mix shown is as at 1 January 2020.

    Target growth allocation
    Risk level
    Minimum suggested investment timeframe
    At least 10 years

    Investment objective

    This option invests across most asset classes but mainly in growth assets. The option predominantly takes an indexed investment approach, but with a small amount of active management. It is designed for customers who want exposure to mainly growth assets an can tolerate a high level of risk over 5 years.

    Investment Mix shown is as at 1 December 2021.

    Target growth allocation
    Risk level
    Minimum suggested investment timeframe
    At least 5 years

    Investment objective

    This option invests across most asset classes but mainly in defensive assets. The option predominantly takes an index investment approach, but with a small amount of active management. It is designed for customer who want exposure to mainly defensive assets and can tolerate a low to medium level of risk over 3 years.

    Investment Mix shown is as at 1 December 2021.

    Target growth allocation
    Risk level
    Minimum suggested investment timeframe
    At least 3 years
Changing investment options

Switching your investment options is easy

Your investment options are all managed via your online account, so you can truly manage your money for your future. Change your investment mix as often as you like, at any time, for no extra cost.


Want help investing your money?

Get simple super advice from qualified financial advisers via our specialist helpline advice service at no additional cost to you. Our helpline advice team can help you make key decisions about your superannuation, including:

  • Rollovers and consolidation
  • Investment choice selections
  • Nominating an appropriate regular super contribution versus paying down debt
  • Co-contributions
  • Spouse contribution splitting
  • Selection of insured benefit levels
  • Salary sacrifice and additional voluntary contributions

Our advisers will prepare you a written statement of advice and send it to you as part of our service. We can even help you put that advice into action on the spot.

Are you an existing customer? Call us on 1300 652 770 for your free advice.