Virgin Money Home Loans
It's easy to manage your home loan accounts online – you get safe, secure and super-convenient access 24/7. Virgin Money's Hub gives you access to your Reward Me Home Loan and Companion accounts.
Access your account online
You can access your account online via the Hub at or if you are on a mobile device use
You can register for the Hub by giving our Customer Care Team a call on 13 81 51. For more information on how to register, please refer to the Registration for the Hub section of our terms & conditions.
Register for the Hub
Virgin Money's Hub gives you access to all your personal accounts, including transaction and loan accounts, as well as a range of other services.
The following accounts can be nominated for access through the Hub:
- Home Loan
- Investment Loan
- Home Loan Companion Account
All we ask is that you're a signatory to each Account for the Hub and that you have authority to operate on those Accounts.
If there are multiple signatories to the Account each User will need to complete the registration process.
You can register for the Hub by giving our Customer Care Team a call on 13 81 51. If you are applying for Hub access and the method of operation is one to sign, you can apply over the phone. For more information on how to register, please refer to the Registration for the Hub section of our terms & conditions.
Please refer to our Lending and Deposits Guide to Fees and Charges to see any costs associated with the Hub.
Please note: An email address is required. If customers do not have one, then they cannot be set up for access to the Hub. The email address is used for the following features:
- an email is sent for security purposes such as when a limit increase is requested
- an email is required should the customer wish to receive alerts
- BPAY View details are emailed
Please note: You cannot perform any transactions or enquiries while logged into both the Hub and Mobile Hub.
Register for Mobile Hub
Mobile Hub is a wireless Internet-based service that allows you to look at your accounts and transact safely and conveniently with your smartphone. Via your smartphone, you can view your account balances, look up transactions, pay your bills and transfer funds.
Before you can access Mobile Hub you are required to register for the Hub (desktop access). If you’re not registered yet for the hub, just give our Customer Care Team a call on 13 81 51. Once you’re registered for the Hub simply go to on your phone's web browser and you can get started with Mobile Hub using your existing login details.
Mobile Hub is not an app that you can download from the App Store or from Google Play, Simply go to from your browser and you can then add an icon to your phone for easy use next time.
There are no additional charges for using the Mobile Hub service. It is suggested that you familiarise yourself with your current data plan from your mobile service provider.
Please note: You cannot perform any transactions or enquiries while logged into both the Hub and Mobile Hub.
Register for SMS Alerts
Before you can begin using any of the SMS alerts you will need to:
- Have a mobile phone number registered
SMS services can only be requested and received by this mobile number. This will be done when you register for the Hub.
You can check your registered number at any time via the Personal Details screen.
SMS alerts
Once you are registered for SMS alerts you can choose any or all of the following functions:
- new online bills have been received
- new secure mail has been received
- customer block alert
- notification of limit increase requests
Please note: SMS services must be requested and received by the mobile phone that is registered for your Hub account profile. Alerts cannot be received from more than one mobile phone.
Hub - Electronic Access Password
When applying for the Hub service you will be asked to nominate an Electronic Access Password. This Electronic Password will be used as a means of identifying you if you need to contact the Customer Care Team in relation to your Hub account. This password is not used to log on to the Hub.
Hub account users
Because a Hub profile can have one or more people associated with it, different types of account users will exist. There are three types of people who can access Accounts via the Hub:
- a Customer with authority to operate on the account individually; or
- a Related Account User, who is a signatory on the Account, has authority to operate on the Account individually or has authority to operate on the Account as one of a two or more persons to sign method of operation and has been granted Hub access to the Account by both the Customer and Virgin Money ; or
- an Authoriser, who is a signatory on an Account that requires more than one person to operate on the Account, and where Hub access has been established for each signatory to the Account;
By having cookies enabled on your phone, entering your CAN and UserId on the first sign in will enable these fields to be auto-populated on subsequent visits. This means that all you need is to enter your PAC, ensuring that your account details are still secure.
If you want to use an alternate CAN and/or UserID on subsequent visits, or to allow a third party to use your mobile phone for Mobile Hub, please ensure that you remove cookies to ensure that you will be prompted to enter the CAN and UserID information on each visit, rather than the CAN and UserID defaulting to your saved details.
Operating systems supported
A. The following operating systems are supported:
- Android: v4.1.x and above
- iOS: v6.1.1 and above
Please note: As Virgin Money Mobile Hub is an Internet-based service, it should work on most operating systems that allow the user to connect to the Internet via a Mobile Web Browser.
Please use to access the Virgin Money Mobile Hub.
Here's a list of some of the transactions you can manage online:
- account balance enquiry;
- transaction history enquiry;
- search for transaction details and export those details to your own PC;
- transfer of funds between Nominated Accounts;
- request a statement to be posted to you
- pay bills using BPAY;
- make payments to accounts with us and at other Australian financial institutions using the Pay Anyone facility;
- schedule transfers and payments to be paid on a future date or on a recurring periodic frequency (eg monthly);
- define that more than one person must authorise transactions and requests carried out on your behalf;
- send secure messages to us and receive secure messages from us;
- request an increase or decrease to your daily transaction limits;
- define nicknames for Nominated Accounts;
- change your Personal Access Code;
- disable access to the Hub for yourself.
After you complete a Transaction History search in the Hub you will be presented with the option to Export All or Viewed Transaction History. This function allows transaction information to be exported in external file formats for import into all major personal financial management applications.
Hub requests can be carried out by product.
Product Name | Account Summary | Txn History | Transfer between registered accounts | Pay Anyone | BPAY® and BPAY View® | Order Stmt |
Home Loans (credits only) | Y | Y | Y credits only |
Y credits only |
N | Y |
Home Loans (redraw permitted) | Y | Y | Y | Y | N | Y |
Home Loan Companion Account | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y |
Y = Request is permitted
N = Request is not permitted
If your question hasn’t been answered by these FAQs or you have other questions regarding the Hub, please call our Customer Care Team on 13 81 51.
Access your account
You can access your account online via the Hub at or if you are on a mobile device use You can register for the Hub by giving our Customer Care Team a call on 13 18 75. For more information on how to register, please refer to the Registration for the Hub section of our terms & conditions.
Hub account users
Because a Hub profile can have one or more people associated with it, different types of account users will exist. There are three types of people who can access Accounts via the Hub:
- a Customer with authority to operate on the account individually; or
- a Related Account User, who is a signatory on the Account, has authority to operate on the Account individually or has authority to operate on the Account as one of a two or more persons to sign method of operation and has been granted Hub access to the Account by both the Customer and Virgin Money ; or
- an Authoriser, who is a signatory on an Account that requires more than one person to operate on the Account, and where Hub access has been established for each signatory to the Account;
Authorisers on the account can be notified of any pending authorisation requests via Secure Mail, Normal email (via the email address registered for the customer), SMS (via the mobile number registered for the customer) and the notifications area on the Home menu.
If a Hub profile defines that more than one person must authorise transactions and requests on behalf of the customer, the following actions will be held in a pending state for 90 days to allow sufficient time for the transaction to be authorised:
- any value transaction
- any transaction limit increase or decrease
Any transaction still requiring additional authorisations after 90 days in the pending state, will be automatically deleted.
Please note: More authorisers can be created than the number of authorisers required to approve each transaction.
Personal Access Code (PAC) help
If you forget your PAC or your PAC is suspended you can call our Customer Care Team on 13 81 51 and request a new Personal Access Code. A new temporary PAC will be issued to you immediately.
Customer Access Number (CAN) or UserID
If you can't remember your Customer Access Number (CAN) or UserID call our Customer Care Team on 13 81 51.
Please note: a User ID is not required by all customers accessing the Hub. You will use a User ID if you are an Authoriser on one or more accounts.
Hub Error Message
Error message "The details entered are invalid..." when trying to log in to the Hub.
This is due to one of the following scenarios:
- an incorrect Customer Access Number (CAN) and Personal Access Code (PAC) combination have been entered. Please check you are using the correct CAN and PAC and that CAPS LOCK is not on.
- you attempt to log in BEFORE you receive your new PAC. When a new PAC is requested you must wait until you are given a new PAC. Note: when a new PAC is requested, the previous PAC is stopped and can no longer be used.
Find out more about using your Online Account
Mobile Hub Error Message
“Please navigate via the links on the webpage”.
The error message you see is a prompt to navigate through the Mobile Hub using the links within Mobile Hub and not to use the phone's navigation keys/actions. This has been designed as a safety measure to ensure data isn't resent or able to be accessed after a session has ended.
Please note: If you are entering your sign in details and are being returned straight back to the sign in screen, please check that you have enabled cookies on your mobile device. If you are unsure how to enable cookies, please consult the manual for your device.
Hub Access
If you can't access the Hub log in page after clicking on the Hub link from the Virgin Money website, the problem may be one of the following:
- please compare your browser and browser version with those listed on the Technical Requirements page. Please ensure you are using one of the listed browsers and browser versions and it is up to date.
- if you are using a recommended browser and browser version, the problem may be related to the browser settings being changed from the default. This can happen without your knowledge, for example you may have installed some new software such as anti-virus or firewall software. Please reset your browser settings back to the default in order for the Hub to work correctly.
For more information on technical requirements and browser settings, the Technical Requirements page contains copies of these defaults for all supported browser and browser version.
Please note: We love cookies. Your browser will need to be enabled to accept cookies to be able to access your account online via the Hub.
If you’re not sure how to do this, the easiest way is to google “How to enable cookies on (whatever browser you are using)”. For example “How to use cookies on Chrome version 43”.
Locked out of Mobile Hub
As with the Hub your PAC is case sensitive; make sure you are entering your PAC with the correct case. If your password begins with a lower-case letter, you may need to use your phone’s ‘shift’ key to change the default from upper case. In addition, some phones require extra shift key presses to enter numbers instead of letters.
Please note: As with the desktop version of the Hub you can request a PAC reset by contacting our Customer Care Team on 13 81 51. Note: you will need to use the Hub on a desktop PC or tablet to login with the temporary PAC and create your new permanent PAC before you can sign into Mobile Hub.
Find out more about using your Online Account
Transaction history
The Search Transaction History function in the Hub enables you to search any of your registered accounts by one or more criteria.
The Hub maintains history of your transactions for up to 12 months after they were carried out.
The transaction history is not an official statement and is subject to change. For loan accounts, the entry described as FEE CAPITALISATION affects the balance of the loan account. The entry/entries that appear immediately before this transaction describe the fees capitalised and do not affect the balance of the loan account.
Please note: Virgin Money credit cards are not available in the Hub. Please log into your Virgin Money Online account at for all credit card related information.
Find out more about using your Online Account
If you have more questions call our Customer Care Team on 13 81 51.
Transaction history running balance
There is a known issue where if you specify a custom date range the running balance is calculated from zero when it should be calculated from the opening balance for the (from) day. The actual transactions are correct, if you select one of the standard options such as last week, last fortnight etc. the balance will be correct. A fix for this issue will be in place very soon. We apologise for any inconvenience.
Export balance & transaction history
After you complete a Transaction History search in the Hub you will be presented with the option to Export All or Viewed Transaction History. This function allows transaction information to be exported in external file formats for import into all major personal financial management applications.
Please note: You may be required to click 'open' twice when exporting a transaction history. This is controlled by the browser and not the Hub. The settings required vary based on individual customer circumstances - such as your browser settings, security settings or the version and patch level of your browser and operating system.
Find out more about using your Online Account
If you have more questions call our Customer Care Team on 13 81 51.
Statement requested via the Hub
Why does my regular statement include the same transactions as the statement I previously requested via the Hub?
The statement requested via the Hub is a 'snapshot statement'. It includes all transactions carried out since the previous regular statement was issued up to the date of the Hub request.
The 'snapshot statement' will not have any effect on the transactions that appear on the regular statement. The regular statement will include all transactions carried out since the previous regular statement was issued.
Export selected date range
Irrespective of the date range you select, you must first view all of the specified transaction history on the screen before the transactions will be included in your export. To view all your selected transactions continue to click on the 'Next Page' button until the button is disabled (greyed out) or change the list size using the options to the top-right of the search results.
Switch to eStatements
You will automatically have access to eStatements through the Hub and we will send the primary account holder an email whenever a new statement is available. To turn the paper statements off, please log into the Hub click on the eStatement promotion and follow the prompts to manage paper statements. If you have a joint account, each account holder will need to do this before the paper statement is stopped.
Find out more about using your Online Account
If you have more questions call our Customer Care Team on 13 81 51.
Payment Limits
When you register for the Hub you will be offered a number of Daily Limits Packages to choose from. These will define the daily transaction amount limit for Pay Anyone and BPAY transactions via the Hub.
The daily limits are reset at midnight AEST each day.
The Daily Limits Package can be set as part of the initial registration, and be effective immediately. You can also choose or change your limits package online. Any increase that is requested online will automatically be applied after 2 calendar days, limit reductions take effect immediately.
The table below shows the limit packages available:
Pay anyone daily limit | BPAY daily limit |
$0 | $0 |
$2,500 | $10,000 |
$5,000 | $20,000 |
$10,000 | $50,000 |
$15,000 | $100,000 |
$10,000,000 | $10,000,000 |
These Pay Anyone and BPAY daily limits are pre-set pairs as outlined above. Pay Anyone and BPAY limits can not be selected separately. For example, $2,500 Pay Anyone and $50,000 BPAY limit is not a valid limit combination.
Change your limit
The Daily Limits Package can be set as part of your initial registration, and be effective immediately. You can also choose your limits package online using the Hub.
A decrease to your limits package requested online will be effective immediately. An increase requested online will be applied automatically after 2 calendar days. This two day delay is for security reasons. In this two day period we will contact you via the registered email account for your profile to advise that a limit change has been requested.
Users should note that increases to their daily limits package may result in the need for additional authentication using the Virgin Money Token.
If your new Daily Limits Package requires additional authentication, you must call us to have a Virgin Money Token assigned to you if you do not already have one.
Pay Anyone payment
Pay Anyone payments is a facility within the Hub which allows payments to be made to accounts at Virgin Money or to accounts at most other financial institutions, such as Banks, Building Societies or Credit Unions throughout Australia.
Please note: Pay Anyone payments cannot be made to a Virgin Money credit card.
Accounts into which funds are to be paid must be identified by a BSB and Account Number. Instead, you may make payments to your Virgin Money credit card via BPAY, using Biller Code 49551 and your credit card number as the Customer Reference Number.
Pay Anyone cut off times
A Pay Anyone payment request cut off time is 5.00 p.m. (AEST) on a business day.
"To" Account Type | When was the request made | When will payment be credited to nominated "To" accounts |
Virgin Money account | Any time on a business day* or non-business day | Immediately |
Account held at another Australian financial institution | Before 5.00 p.m. (AEST) on a business* day | By next business day |
Account held at another Australian financial institution | On a non-business* day or after 5.00 p.m. (AEST) on a business* day | By 2nd business day after transaction |
* A business day is defined as any day on which the lender is open for business that is also a day on which banks in Melbourne or Sydney are able to effect settlement through the Reserve Bank of Australia.
Payment Date
We will withdraw funds from your account on the date the payment is requested.
If the payment is scheduled for immediate payment, funds will be withdrawn immediately.
If you have scheduled the payment to occur on a date in the future, funds will not be withdrawn until that date. If there are available funds in your account on the date specified for the payment, the payment will be processed between 6:00am and 5:00pm Brisbane time.
If you have a recurring payment the processing time may vary and you should not expect your payment to be processed at the same time for each recurrence. Whilst every attempt is made to process the payments as soon as possible the deadline is 5:00pm (Brisbane time) and it is purely coincidence if the payment has been processed by a particular time on previous occasions.
Please note: If you schedule a payment for a future date and there are insufficient funds in your account on the date the payment is being processed we will retry the processing of your transaction periodically throughout the day until 4:30pm Brisbane time. If there are still insufficient funds in your account at 4:30pm (Brisbane time) you will be notified via Secure Mail that your scheduled payment has failed due to insufficient funds.
This allows you 30 minutes to process an immediate payment in place of the failed scheduled payment. If your payment is a recurring scheduled payment the failure due to insufficient funds will not affect your next scheduled payment.
Scheduled Payments
Monthly scheduled payments that are due to be processed on the 29th, 30th or 31st of a month but the date does not exist in the current month.
Any payment which is scheduled to be processed monthly on the 29th, 30th or 31st will be processed on the last day of the month if the scheduled date does not exist for the current month. For example if a monthly payment is set up to be processed on the 29th of every month, it will be paid on the 28th of February (except in a leap year) as this is the last day of the month. If a payment is scheduled to be paid on the 31st of the month it will be processed on the 30th day of all months which do not have 31 days. This will only occur for monthly scheduled payments.
Incorrect account number entered
There is no facility to reverse an immediate Pay Anyone payment after a receipt has been issued to the customer making the request.
For future-dated Pay Anyones, and periodic Pay Anyones, you can amend the details of the payment on any date before the day the payment is due to be processed.
The following scenarios explain the process should you nominate an invalid account number or unintended account:
- Invalid Account Number
If you nominated an account number which does not identify a valid account at the destination Financial Institution, the destination Financial Institution will return the funds to the originating Virgin Money account (because the account number nominated will not match any account number at that Financial Institution). The funds will be returned to your account within the same timeframe as for a valid transaction (i.e. Transaction +1 day, subject to the business day cut off times).
For example, if you requested a transaction on Tuesday after 5pm, the return would be credited to your account by Thursday or Friday (this is because the transaction was carried out after the 5pm cut off). If the request is made before 5pm the return would be credited to your account by Wednesday or Thursday.
- Valid Account Number but not the Intended Account
If you nominated an account number that is valid but the payment is not intended for that account (or you have changed your mind for some reason), you will need to contact our Customer Care Team on 13 81 51 to request the recovery of these funds. There is no guarantee that the funds will be able to be recovered from the recipient. For this reason, you must ensure that the payment details that you enter are correct.
You will need to provide us with the details of the original Pay Anyone payment (i.e. BSB, Account Number, Account Name, and Description) as well as the date and time of the request. There is a fee associated with this request. The timeframe for recovery of these funds depends on the destination Financial Institution.
BPAY View allows you to view bills from participating billers. These bills can be paid the same as the paper based version or directly from your account using BPAY.
You can register to see bills from participating billers via the Hub We will then advise you when you have received new bills which you can view and pay without the need to ever receive the paper bill.
BPay payments to a Virgin Money credit card
Virgin Money credit cards is a BPAY Biller. The Biller Code is 49551 and customers should use their credit card number as the Customer Reference Number when making payments to their Virgin Money credit card.
Recurring BPAY payment
Due to the current BPAY rules, you are no longer permitted to create a recurring BPAY payment to a biller which uses a variable CRN. If you are setting up a recurring BPAY payment please ensure that the biller you are using is not a variable CRN biller. If you are using a variable CRN biller this will be noted in the drop down box when you select the biller, provided that the biller has not been registered for BPAY View. For BPAY View registered billers the BPAY View registration number will be shown, and for fixed CRN billers, the saved CRN will be noted next to the biller name.
BPay Frequent Biller
The "Frequent Biller" option enables you to update your own personalised biller list. Once you have created the Frequent Biller, every time you want to pay your bill, you only have to select the biller from the list and input the payment amount. Note: Some Billers operate with a variable Customer Reference Number (CRN), it is good practice to confirm the CRN on your bill for each payment.
BPay Cut-off times
For a BPAY payment request the cut off time is 5:00 pm (AEST) on a business day.
If a bill payment is made before the cut off time (ie. 5 pm) on a business day, the Biller will usually receive the payment on the next business day. If a bill payment is made after this time or on a weekend, the Biller will usually receive the payment on the second business day after the payment was requested.
The following table will assist you to understand when your BPAY payment will be processed:
From Account | When was BPAY payment requested | Same day | Next business day |
Account# | Before 5.00 pm (AEST) on a business day* | Yes | - |
Account# | On a non-business day* or after 5.00 pm (AEST) on a business day | - | Yes |
# Account means a Transaction Account or, Loan Account.
* A business day is defined as any day on which the lender is open for business that is also a day on which banks in Melbourne or Sydney are able to effect settlement through Reserve Bank of Australia.
Schedule a BPAY payment
The Hub enables you to perform a range of future dated and recurring payments and transfers, including BPAY payments.
Recurring payments can be scheduled weekly, fortnightly, monthly, quarterly, half yearly, annually, four weekly and two monthly.
When a scheduled payment is processed, you will be notified of the success or failure of the payment via secure mail as well as via the email address you have provided. You can also subscribe to receive SMS alerts on your scheduled payments.
Cancel a BPay payment
If you have scheduled your payment to occur on a date in the future it can be modified or cancelled anytime before the date scheduled. It cannot be modified or cancelled if the payment is scheduled to occur on the current date.
If a Biller is paid in error you can request an error correction by calling our Customer Care Team on 13 81 51. Note: a fee applies for the funds recall. Recalls are typically completed within 5 business days.
Variable Customer Reference Number (CRN)
A variable CRN is a CRN that changes each time you receive a new bill, unlike a fixed CRN which remains the same for each bill. Prior to the variable CRN changes all billers were being treated as though they were fixed CRN billers.
Please note: When you add a frequently used biller using the add biller link on the BPAY Billers page you will receive a message stating that the CRN will not be saved if the biller you are adding uses a variable CRN. When you view this biller in the Billers tab you will see ‘Variable CRN Biller in the customer reference column.
POLi Payment
Can I use the POLi Payment online payment option when purchasing goods or services online?
We take Hub security very seriously and, for this reason, we do not support the use of 3rd party applications such as POLi. While it may seem that you are in complete control of the Hub session whilst using POLi, we cannot guarantee the security of your login credentials unless you access the Hub via the Virgin Money website.
Session Summary
When you logout of the Hub the session summary may say that you have deleted a payment when all you did was modify it.
When you modify a future dated Pay Anyone or BPAY, the Hub internally deletes the payment and creates a new payment with the same details including the modification. This is the reason why your change is displayed as a deletion and creation.
Variable CRN changes
Existing recurring BPAY payments changed as part of the variable CRN changes.
As part of the changes relating to variable CRNs, any recurring payment which is being paid to a biller that is noted as using a variable CRN will fail to be processed and will also be deleted on the next payment date. All future instances of the recurring payment will also be deleted. You will be notified of this via email and secure mail at the time of the failed payment. If you need the deleted payment to be processed you will need to set up the payment as a once only payment as the current BPAY rules no longer allow you to create recurring payments to variable CRN billers.
Recurring payment created before the variable CRN changes but authorised after the changes
If you are making a BPAY payment to a variable CRN biller the payment will be deleted on the next payment date. You will be notified via email and secure mail that this payment has been deleted. If you need the deleted payment to be processed you will need to set up the payment again as a once only payment as the current BPAY rules no longer allow you to create recurring payments to variable CRN billers.
Frequently used billers variable CRN change
Current frequently used billers as part of the variable CRN change.
There are a number of possible scenarios relating to your current frequently used billers:
- Billers that are registered for BPAY View will be retained in the Frequently Used Billers list. This will be the case for both fixed and variable CRN billers.
- There will be no change to any frequently used billers that are classed as a fixed CRN biller.
- If you have multiple saved billers that use the same biller code and these billers are now classed as variable CRN billers, the duplicate records will be deleted and you will see only one frequently used biller listed for each biller code. All CRN data and personalised biller name data will also be removed for each variable CRN biller. The billers name will appear in place of the previously saved personalised biller name. This will not apply for billers that are registered for BPAY View.
- If you have single instances of billers which use a variable CRN, the existing CRN will be removed and you will see “Variable CRN Biller” in the Customer Reference Number column.
Virgin Money Token
Protecting the integrity of our customers' financial information is our top priority, as such we have a superior level of online security by way of the Virgin Money Token (this can be a physical token or a soft token on your smartphone).
The Virgin Money Token provides what is known as two-factor authentication. Either a physical token or a soft token on your smartphone and a remembered identifier (e.g. a PAC) will be needed to authenticate some online transactions. This means, even if another person obtains your Customer Access Number, UserID (if applicable) and PAC, they will need the Virgin Money Token to be able to make a payment.
A Virgin Money Token will not be required for the purposes of logging in to the Hub, rather it will be used to authenticate certain transactions where you are transferring funds to a non-Virgin Money account.
Transactions requiring a Token
The Virgin Money Token will not be required to log in to the Hub, but will be used to authenticate some transactions where funds are transferred to other financial institutions. This will allow you to check account balances and move funds between your own accounts as easily as possible.
The Virgin Money Token will be required as an additional means of authentication if you have selected a Daily limits package with a Pay Anyone of $10,000 or greater.
Not all value transactions* will require the use of the Virgin Money Token.
The available limit packages are outlined in the table below:
Pay anyone daily limit | Authentication method | BPAY® daily limit |
$0 | - | $0 |
$2,500 | - | $10,000 |
$5,000 | - | $20,000 |
$10,000 | Token - Application # 1 | $50,000 |
$15,000 | Token - Application # 1 | $100,000 |
$25,000 | Token - Application # 1 | $200,000 |
$10,000,000 | Token - Application # 2 | $10,000,000 |
*Value transactions - any transaction where an amount greater than zero is transferred from a nominated account.
Important: Where you decrease your daily limit to a limit which does not require the use of the Virgin Money Token it will be necessary to authenticate the request by entering a One Time Password generated by 'Application #1' from your Virgin Money Token.
Request a Virgin Money Token
A soft token can be downloaded as an app on your smartphone. If you don't have a smartphone and require a physical token, you can obtain a Virgin Money Token by calling us on 13 81 51.
There is no cost for the issue or use of a soft token on your smartphone. If you don’t have a smartphone and require a physical token, the first Virgin Money Token will be issued free of charge for customers where there is only one user of the account. Where additional physical tokens are required for signatories to an account, a second Virgin Money token will be issued free of charge.
A fee of $50 per token will be charged for:
- additional physical tokens (if your account has more than two users)
- replacement tokens where the originally issued token is lost or damaged
Any defective Virgin Money Tokens will be replaced free of charge. The replacement fee will also be waived if you report your Virgin Money Token is stolen and you lodge a police report.
Using Virgin Money Token
The Virgin Money Token can be used with any computer and no special software is required.
The Virgin Money Token works by generating a password that continually changes. Based on information registered with our central Token Management System when your Virgin Money Token is assigned, it is possible to match these passwords with your Hub profile when you transact online.
When completing transactions using the Hub, instructions on the screen may prompt you to initiate one of two types of token applications using the Virgin Money Token:
- Token Application #1 (One Time Password) – this issues a unique 8 digit authentication code which you will enter into the Hub when prompted.
- Token Application #2 (Transaction Signing) – you will be required to enter information about your transaction into the token. This will be used by the token to generate an authentication code uniquely tied to that transaction, which you will then enter into the Hub when prompted.
Please note: A physical token will display the word "disabled" when the battery is low. Please call us on 13 81 51 to obtain a replacement token.
Call our Customer Care Team on 13 81 51 if you need to reset your Virgin Money Token PIN.
Virgin Money Token - Pay Anyone Limit
Once a Virgin Money Token has been issued you may change your Daily Limit package at any time. As long as your requested limit is above $10,000 then the Virgin Money Token will be required.
If you close your account or decrease the Pay Anyone limit to a level that doesn't require a token and you have a soft token and no longer require it, please delete the app from your smartphone. It would be appreciated if you have a physical token to return it to us.
Please call us on 13 81 51 and we will advise you how to return it.
The Hub Security
Your online security is important to us. The Hub uses a robust solution to protect your information. Some of the security measures we have implemented include:
- All transactions through the Hub are encrypted using 128 bit SSL encryption. This protects your Personal Access Code and all sensitive information from being accessed by an unauthorised person. We are constantly changing large session keys.
- Introduction of the Virgin Money Token for customers with a daily Pay Anyone limit of $10,000 or greater. This works by generating a password that continually changes – this ensures maximum protection for your Hub transactions.
- Authentication and sessions are managed from the Lender’s systems.
- Personal Access Codes are required to be complex to minimise the chance of them being compromised. If multiple 'guessing' attempts are detected, access to the Hub will automatically lock to prevent unauthorised access.
- The computer network is protected by multiple firewalls of different types and all systems are regularly maintained, audited and scrutinised to actively prevent any unauthorised access from the Internet. Host and network based intrusion detection systems are employed.
- All Hub sessions have an automatic time out feature to protect your privacy.
Protect your online information
You also play an important role in protecting your online information and security, here’s some tips on how to stay safe online.
Online fraudsters attempt to take advantage of customers with poor security on their computers. For example malicious software downloaded from the Internet or received via attachments to emails can contain malware that could compromise the security of your computer. Even browsing certain websites could lead to a compromise of your computer's security. Hoax emails have also circulated the Internet during recent times, enticing customers to disclose personal details at fake websites.
When you type your Customer Access Number (CAN), UserID (if applicable) and Personal Access Code (PAC) into the Hub log in screen, your computer 'encrypts' and sends this information to us via a secure connection. If your own computer is not protected, it is possible that a hacker could gain control of it and watch everything you type or save on your hard disk, without it being encrypted. It is critical that you take steps to protect yourself and your computer.
- always access the Hub by typing or into your web browser, never by following a link.
- always ignore any email or other communication to the contrary.
- we will never contact you with a request to access or log into our secure site 'The Hub' or ask you to disclose your CAN and PAC.
Hub Security Alert
It is important that you read all security alerts. The alert could indicate that your PC does not have the latest security patches applied to it or is attempting to access a site that is not Virgin Money.
Regularly visit the operating systems’ and browsers' vendors websites (refer links below) to ensure your computer's operating system and Internet browser are up to date. The majority of software vendors such as Microsoft, post updates to their products to correct minor defects or security flaws that could potentially affect you.
Please note: Virgin Money does not receive commission from the sale of any of these products, nor do we make any recommendations, representations, guarantees or warranties about these products.
Internet Browsers:
- Internet Explorer™
- Firefox®
- Safari™
- Opera™
- Google Chrome™
Operating Systems:
- Windows
- Apple
To be certain you are dealing with Virgin Money, double-click on the padlock displayed at the bottom of your browser window and a certificate (refer to the example below) will be displayed. When viewing our certificate always ensure that:
- it has been ‘Issued to’
- the 'Issued by' section refers to
- the date specified is within a valid date range
This shows that you are dealing with Virgin Money and that your Customer Access Number (CAN) and Personal Access Code (PAC) will be secure as they cross the Internet. If the certificate details differ from this, do not login as you may not be connecting directly to the Virgin Money website. If you encounter this problem, please contact us immediately.
Mobile Hub Security
All Internet capable mobile phones that have 128 bit security enabled in their browser will be able to access Mobile Hub utilising the same level of security as the Hub on a PC or Mac. Our application firewalls, intrusion prevention systems and other infrastructure are among the best in their class, equally applying security controls across both phone or computer-based Hub sessions.
To counter the problem of having to download a large amount of content as seen on our Hub site, Mobile Hub will operate by sending very small packets of data at a time to ensure the quickest possible mobile experience.
Additionally for customers who have opted for daily Pay Anyone limit of $10,000 and above are required to use the Virgin Money Token. This counters fraud by requiring an additional, independent authentication factor during funds transfers, without relying on SMS messages delivered via the mobile phone itself.
Please note: For security reasons, the Mobile Hub session will become inactive after 10 minutes of inactivity. Simply login again.
Restrictions when choosing a Personal Access Code (PAC)
The PAC can include both uppercase and lowercase letters. The PAC must be typed in exactly the same case as it was when it was set, otherwise the system will respond with an error message indicating that details entered are not valid. Check the status of the CAPS LOCK key if the PAC is not accepted.
When you are selecting a PAC, you need to adhere to the following restrictions:
- A minimum of 8 and maximum of 20 characters long
- Contain at least three numbers
- Contain at least one upper case or one lower case alphabetic character (ie A-Z, a-z)
- Special characters may be used if they are one of the following: @#$%&+=?
- Not be a regular word contained in a dictionary (eg password, bank, etc)
- Not be based on any number that could be linked to you by other persons such as your date of birth or any alphabetical code that is a recognisable part of your name
- New PAC cannot be the same as any PAC previously used
How to protect your Personal Access Code (PAC)
Here’s a few easy things you can do to protect your PAC:
- Your PAC is like a PIN. It should always remain confidential – never reveal it to anyone, even an employee of Virgin Money. Also, you should never write the PAC down anywhere.
- Choose a PAC that you can easily remember, but make sure another person can’t easily guess it. This means that you shouldn’t use your name, birthday, pet’s name, or any other word that could be related to you.
- Avoid choosing a PAC that contains words that can be found in a dictionary of any kind – this will make it harder for anyone to guess your PAC.
- Do not choose a PAC which is based on your date of birth or an alphabetical code that is a recognisable part of your name.
- Change your PAC regularly – once a month is ideal. After you’ve changed your PAC, use it again within a day or less, to help you remember the new Code.
- When you select a new PAC, don’t choose one that is similar to your old PAC. For example, if you chose “tbm1976$” for your first PAC, it would not be a good idea to simply add ‘one’ to the number – e.g. “tbm1977$”. It is best to start over and choose new letters, numbers and special characters.
Choosing a secure Personal Access Code (PAC)
A. This task can be more difficult than it sounds, so here’s a method you may like to use in order to make this easier.
- Pick a short phrase or line from a song you can remember easily (i.e. three blind mice).
- Take the first letter of each word – 'three blind mice' or 'tbm'
- Now choose a number you can easily remember. Make sure it isn’t your age, birthday, street or telephone number or any other number that could easily be guessed by someone else. For example, the date your first car was manufactured, let’s say 1976.
- Combine the letters and numbers – 'tbm1976'.
- Now add a special character that you can remember, say for example, a ‘$’ sign.
Now the Personal Access Code you have created is 'tbm1976$', which is unlikely to ever be guessed by anyone.
Important: Information contained on this page relates to the Virgin Money Reward Me Home Loan and Companion Account only. For assistance with any other loan please see our FAQs.