Why pups make the pawfect colleagues

If there’s one thing the whole working from home trend taught us, it’s that pets make the best colleagues. Okay, specifically dogs make the best colleagues, and in honour of Bring Your Dog to Work Day on June 25, we’re here to break it down, present our four-legged argument, and offer a chance for you to you to treat the true employee of the month to something a little special, all thanks to our friends at Pet Circle. 

P.S: Feel free to circulate this particular memo company-wide; the more pups the merrier.

Dogs love all your ideas

Everyone knows our pets are the best listeners. Even cats at least look like they know what you’re saying as you’re bouncing ideas around the (kitchen) table at your weekly WIP meeting. But dogs take the whole listening thing to the next level and the ever-famous, cute-as-all-heck head tilt proves it. You can bounce ideas at your doggo all day long, without even a woof or a whisper of judgement. 

Also, if you’re in a traditional office environment, you can be sure that your four-legged friend will be the first to voice their opinion and back you up if necessary. They vote with all four paws after all. 

They remind you of just how essential it is to take a break  

It’s a very easy trap to get caught up in, especially for those of us working from home. You start work at 8:30am and suddenly it’s 2pm and you’re eating day-old sushi at your desk, in Tuesday’s sweatpants. When your pup is tagging along for the ride, they are absolutely going to make sure you take adequate breaks. 

Resting your brain every once in a while is essential to productivity, and as every good dog knows, chasing a ball around for half an hour at lunch time can pretty much solve the world’s problems.

Looking to get the boss on side?

Nothing says brownie points like a cute pup hanging out at your desk all day. Suddenly your cubicle is a lot more exciting now that you’ve got a furry friend to spend your day with. Dogs make the perfect icebreaker, and they seem to know the right people to impress, and just how to impress them. 

Want to truly crown your pup as employee of the month? Head to our Instagram page for your chance to win a $200 Pet Circle Voucher and give your hardest working employee the reward they deserve! See the competition terms and conditions here.